All business is about connecting consumers with products or services that they need. It is as old as time. Commerce is its official name, but really it is helping you get what you want or need the moment it is desired. Pretty simple.
Of course, there are a whole lot of details in between all those steps, but the concept is simple – make the connections. That is what we have been doing for the last 20 years – making connections.
We didn’t start out with a goal to deliver 700,000 boxes of good food back in 1998, but that is what happened as we connected local farm families with local families. We figured out a way to help you eat healthier and get fresher produce to you.
Before Joelle and I ventured into business for ourselves, we were living in Vancouver WA and I was working at a specialty produce store- 1994. It was here that I learned about produce, how to take care of it, what was in season and when. It was also the place where I met my first organic farmers. Back then I had no land and no knowledge about farming, but I had gotten the bug and started my first vegetable garden –32 sq. ft.
Fast forward to 1998 and we had a whopping ½ acre to farm and a fledgling home delivery service. A few years later we were farming 2 acres and 3 years later we moved to Stanwood and started farming 23 acres. In a few more years we started farming another 15. Crazy! Most small businesses are busy with one venture. Not us, we did two – a farm and home delivery! But we wanted to farm, and home delivery seemed like the right avenue to sell our produce to local families like you.
But we do more than farm. We also source organic produce from our neighbors and other organic farms. Remember, I was a former produce person and so I combined my love of working with fresh produce and our family desire to be an organic farm and Voila – a box of good food ends up on your door every week out of the year.
It has always been about organic and getting you the freshest organic produce available. We are your connection to the organic farming world and some of those relationships go back before Joelle and I started Klesick Family Farm – 24 years to be exact.
It is such a privilege to serve you and your families by connecting the organic farm community with you. It is at the heart of what we do best!
Tristan Klesick
Health Advocate, Farmer, and Small business owner for the last 20 years.
To celebrate our 20 years of delivering farm fresh fruit and vegetables, we have a special offer for our existing customers and your friends.
Between March 1 and March 20th (20 days) we are going to be giving you a $20 credit on your account for each friend that signs up for weekly or every other week delivery.
If 5 friends sign up you will get $100 credit, 10 friends $200 credit. We will apply your credits immediately to your account and your friends will get their $20
New customer credit spread over their first 4 deliveries ($5/delivery).
Let your friends know that now is the time to sign up and remind them to mention your name in the referral box so you can get your $20 credit.
Thank you in advance for telling your friends about Klesick’s Box of Good.