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Grandpa Time      

                              Week of December19th, 2022                                                          

I have been thinking about Christmas and all the planning that goes into so much of our lives this time of year. Somehow we find time to add in more events, more tasks, more family.  

At Box of Good this Christmas falls on a perfect day – Sunday. Sunday is the one day of the week that doesn’t require a lot of logistical planning. Essentially, Christmas and New Year’s are going to be as normal as normal can be for our team. 

This last weekend I had the pleasure of watching my newest grandson, Kylan, who is not all that new anymore at 10 months old. His personality is coming to life! There is something absolutely precious about the awe and wonder in a little one’s smile. It just melts my heart to see him crack a smile at all my grandpa goofiness. At least he humors me :)  I was the person with the most availability between his parents’ work schedule. I was definitely rewarded with more than my share of fun. 

I remember hearing a story about a father or a newborn who was from Australia. His family had recently moved to Los Angeles. Well “Mum” and Dad were heading out on a date and needed a babysitter. (Is that still a job for a kid these days?) Well, the young lady showed up and dad answered the door with a towel on one shoulder and a baby on the other. A fairly common look for most parents.  

Dad, “Hi, Thank you for coming. Please come in, we will be ready to go in a few minutes.” 

Babysitter, “Okay”.  
Dad, “Would you like to “nurse” the baby?”  

Babysitter, “A startled look.”  

Dad, gathering that she didn’t want to nurse the baby, said, “Alright, I will nurse him.”  

Which elicited an even more quizzical look from the teenager.   

Now they were both really confused. He was supposed to leave their baby with this teenager who wasn’t willing to nurse their baby. He couldn’t figure it out, in Australia, anyone can nurse a baby, and then as if on queue, it dawned on him that the teen thought he was asking her to breastfeed the baby. I showed her the bottle and explained “nursing” was bottle feeding. Crisis averted and they both had quite a laugh once they were on the same page.  

Thankfully, Kylan’s mom got me all set up to “nurse” him while she was gone! 

Merry Christmas, Tristan, Joelle and the Box of Good Cr