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Everybody loves garlic! This week and last week we have been picking and drying the 2010 crop. This year we grew a lot of garlic: a soft neck variety (Italian pink) and five different hard neck varieties. Sadly, I misplaced the planting schematic for the hard neck garlic and I can’t remember what varieties went where. Such is life. I do know that we have lots of garlic and it is beautiful.

This year, with this hot dry spell, we have been laying the garlic on the ground to cure. But because rain was in the forecast, I felt impressed to err on the side of caution and get the garlic into the barn and, more specifically, into the rafters to finish drying.

I had a few helpers to pick up the garlic so that we could transfer it into the barn. Maddy and Stephen are becoming good workers. Andrew is learning to drive the big farm truck, an important job for a 12 year old on our farm (we are working on shifting the big behemoth and getting used to the two speed rear end). We must have picked up 3,000 heads Thursday. Was I ever happy for the help – of course, Stephen and Maddy never turn down a bumpy farm ride on the back of Big Green (the farm truck)!

I will be adding garlic to your box of good in the next few weeks.

I am super excited to visit with each of you at our farm festival on August 21st.

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Health Benefits Of Carrots

Think Carrots!!

Carrots are one of the easiest veggies to incorporate into a busy lifestyle.  They are quick and easy to prep for snacking – just remove the tops, wash and store in the fridge – really, no peeling necessary!  One thing that consumers should be aware of is the importance of buying organic carrots. Conventionally grown carrots are often a concentrated source of heavy metals, nitrates and pesticides. Eating carrots is a healthy alternative to junk food, and just one carrot can boost your willpower that is in resistance to those processed foods.  Consider adding bunch carrots on to your order on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Your body will thank you in the end!

Health Benefits of Carrots:

Carrots are an excellent source of antioxidant compounds, and the richest vegetable source of the pro-vitamin A carotenes. Carrots’ antioxidant compounds help protect against cardiovascular disease and cancer and also promote good vision, especially night vision.

Carotenoids and Heart Disease

When six epidemiological studies that looked at the association of diets high in carotenoids and heart disease were reviewed, the research demonstrated that high-carotenoid diets are associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. In one study that examined the diets of 1,300 elderly persons in Massachusetts, those who had at least one serving of carrots and/or squash each day had a 60% reduction in their risk of heart attacks compared to those who ate less than one serving of these carotenoid-rich foods per day.

Better Vision

Beta-carotene helps to protect vision, especially night vision. After beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A in the liver, it travels to the retina where it is transformed into rhodopsin, a purple pigment that is necessary for night-vision. Plus beta-carotene’s powerful antioxidant actions help provide protection against macular degeneration and the development of senile cataracts, the leading cause of blindness in the elderly.

Carotenoids and Optimal Health

Carrots are by far one of the richest source of carotenoids-just one cup provides 16,679 IUs of beta-carotene and 3,432 REs (retinol equivalents), or roughly 686.3% the RDA for vitamin A. High carotenoid intake has been linked with a 20% decrease in postmenopausal breast cancer and an up to 50% decrease in the incidence of cancers of the bladder, cervix, prostate, colon, larynx, and esophagus. Extensive human studies suggest that a diet including as little as one carrot per day could conceivably cut the rate of lung cancer in half. Remember the study in which heavy long-term cigarette smokers were given synthetic beta-carotene, and it did not appear to prevent them from developing lung cancer? Well, not only is synthetic beta-carotene not biochemically identical to the real stuff found in carrots, but scientists now think that carrots’ protective effects are the result of a team effort among several substances abundant in carrots, including alpha-carotene-another, less publicized carotenoid. A recent National Cancer Institute study found lung cancer occurence was higher in men whose diets did not supply a healthy intake of alpha-carotene.

Carotenoids and Blood Sugar

Intake of foods such as carrots that are rich in carotenoids may be beneficial to blood sugar regulation. Research has suggested that physiological levels, as well as dietary intake, of carotenoids may be inversely associated with insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels.

Falcarinol in Carrots Promote Colon Health

Although best known for their high content of beta carotene, carrots also contain a phytonutrient called falcarinol that may be responsible for the recognized epidemiological association between frequently eating carrots and a reduced risk of cancers.

Falcarinol provides protection against colon cancer, suggests a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Three groups of laboratory animals in whom precancerous colon lesions (aberrant crypt foci) had been chemically-induced were fed a standard diet, one supplemented with freeze-dried carrots naturally containing falcarinol, or one supplemented with an extract of falcarinol. After 18 weeks, precancerous lesions in the animals given diets containing carrots or falcarinol were much smaller than those in the control animals, and far fewer of the lesions had grown in size or progressed to become tumors.

Promote Lung Health

If you or someone you love is a smoker, or if you are frequently exposed to secondhand smoke, then making vitamin A-rich foods, such as carrots, part of your healthy way of eating may save your life, suggests research conducted at Kansas State University.

While studying the relationship between vitamin A, lung inflammation, and emphysema, Richard Baybutt, associate professor of nutrition at Kansas State, made a surprising discovery: a common carcinogen in cigarette smoke, benzo(a)pyrene, induces vitamin A deficiency.

Baybutt’s earlier research had shown that laboratory animals fed a vitamin A-deficient diet developed emphysema. His latest animal studies indicate that not only does the benzo(a)pyrene in cigarette smoke cause vitamin A deficiency, but that a diet rich in vitamin A can help counter this effect, thus greatly reducing emphysema.

Baybutt believes vitamin A’s protective effects may help explain why some smokers do not develop emphysema. “There are a lot of people who live to be 90 years old and are smokers,” he said. “Why? Probably because of their diet…The implications are that those who start smoking at an early age are more likely to become vitamin A deficient and develop complications associated with cancer and emphysema. And if they have a poor diet, forget it.” If you or someone you love smokes, or if your work necessitates exposure to second hand smoke, protect yourself by making sure the World’s Healthiest Foods rich in vitamin A (carrot’s beta-carotene is converted in the body into vitamin A) are a daily part of your healthy way of eating.

Information Provided by: The George Mateljan Foundation
for The World’s Healthiest Foods

To read the full article go to:

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Preserving the Harvest

Berry season is in full swing, but don’t blink or you’ll miss it. Just think, nine long months until we reach the next berry rush, so I highly recommend getting your fill while you have the chance. Better yet, stock up! You’ll be enjoying summer fresh produce all winter long.

You could make jam to store your berries; in fact, that’s a very good way to preserve the harvest. But if boiling, sterilizing and waiting for those lids to “ding” isn’t your thing, then let me suggest a few other ways to prolong the season’s bounty.

First things first. You come home with (or you get delivered to your door) a delightful load of fresh fruit. In order to ensure that your produce will stick around for more than a couple of days, the best way to store these fragile gems is to carefully transfer them to a shallow Tupperware container that is lined with paper towels. Cover the top of the berries with more paper towels, then place in the fridge until ready to consume or preserve. It is very important to note that you should only wash your berries before you are ready to use them.

If freezing is the final destination for your fruit, simply place on a baking sheet in a single, even layer. Slide into the freezer and freeze until the berries are solid little berry popsicles (which, by the way, also makes a great healthy snack). Once completely frozen, place in Ziploc bags and label the bags with the date. Freeze and dream of fresh blueberries in your pancakes all year long.

Homemade fruit leather makes a healthful snack and contains much less sugar than the store-bought varieties. Dozens of recipes exist online for specific measurements but the general idea is to puree whatever fruit you are planning to turn into leather. Cook in a sauce pan with a bit of water, lemon juice, sugar (to taste) and cinnamon, if you wish. Simmer until slightly thick, strain with a fine mesh strainer to remove any seeds then place on a baking sheet lined with microwave safe plastic wrap.

The layer of fruit should not exceed 1/4 inch in thickness. Place in an oven set to 140°F and let dry for 8-12 hours or until the fruit leather is no longer sticky. Store in an airtight container.

Finally, may I also suggest fruit purees. Simply blend your fruit in a food processor or blender with a touch of sugar (optional), freeze in ice cube trays then store in an airtight container. Thaw individual cubes for a fresh fruit sauce, an addition to yogurt or granola, or add to a blender, still frozen, to whiz up a healthy smoothie with banana, orange juice and yogurt.

by Ashley Rodriquez
Chef, food blogger, and full-time mom. Read more of her writings at

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Fresh This Week Add-ons

The weather is beautiful and the produce tastes and looks amazing! We are very excited about this week’s add-ons. They are sure to make great additions to summer dishes.

Try this Summer Squash Casserole Recipe: Click Here

This Week’s Add-Ons


Pluots: $2.25/lb.

Blackberries! $3.50/pint.

Peaches, $5 for $3.75

Apricots, $0.60 ea.

Order Fruit: Click Here


Summer Squash: $3.25/ 1.5lb

Sunburst Yellow Squash: $2.25/lb.

Zucchini: $2.00/lb.

Jalapeno Peppers, 0.25/lb. for $1.15, 0.5/lb. for $2.25

Cilantro, $1.00/bn.

Order Vegetables: Click Here

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The Perfect Way to Freeze Fresh Vegetables

The Perfect Way to Freeze Fresh Vegetables:

Preserve Their “Straight From the Garden” Taste

By Kassidy Emmerson

There are basically two ways you can store fresh vegetables for an extended period of time: can or freeze them. You can virtually can any type of vegetable, fruit, or meat. You can freeze all meats and most fruits. When it comes to freezing vegetables, however, you’ll need to choose the best candidates. For example, potatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, and celery tend to turn soft and mushy when they are frozen, then thawed out. But onions, peppers, and tomatoes can be successfully frozen if you’re going to use them in a soup, stew, or casserole. Other vegetables such as green beans, lima beans, peas, corn, et cetera, tend to maintain their original shape. They can be frozen, then cooked and served, and still look and taste as fresh as they originally were.

Before you begin freezing your fresh produce, make sure you pick items that are in good condition. Avoid using bruised, soft, wormy, or overly-ripe produce. For the best flavors, choose vegetables that have just reached ripeness. This is the time when the flavor is at its peak.

Then, start the process by washing each produce item thoroughly by using clean, cool tap water. Next, you’ll need to prepare the vegetables. That means, you’ll need to remove peas from their pod, remove strings and the ends from green beans, cut the tops and bottoms off of red beets, and so on. You’ll also need to cut certain vegetables up into bite-sized pieces.

The next step is called “blanching”. Blanching helps to keep the natural flavor intact while the item is in a frozen state. There are two ways to blanch vegetables. You can use the first method which is called, “The Boiling Water Method.” To do this, you’ll need to boil a large pot of water on your stove top. Then pour washed, prepared vegetables into the boiling water. When the water begins to boil again, you’ll start timing.

The second method of blanching vegetables is called, “The Steam Method.” This procedure uses a steamer that conveniently fits onto the top of a pot. The vegetables you want to blanch are then placed inside the steamer as soon as the water in the pot begins to boil. The steamer is then covered with its lid, and the timing is started.

The amount of time that vegetables are blanched vary. That is, different vegetables require different amounts of time. Check the Internet or with your local county extension office to find out the exact times.

Once the fresh vegetables have been boiled or steamed, you’ll need to chill them at once in order to halt the cooking process. The most effective way to do this is to carefully place the hot vegetables into a kettle full of cold tap water. Allow the produce to cool down until they are completely cool inside and out. You can easily check the inside temperature of a piece by gently biting into it. Be careful not to burn your tongue or mouth! The item could still be hot on the inside!

After the vegetables are completely cooled, take them out of the cold water and place them in a colander to drain.

The final step in this process is to place the prepared produce into freezer bags or into plastic freezer containers. Pack the produce into each bag or container firmly, and fill each one up. If you’re using freezer bags, you’ll need to carefully squeeze the air out before you seal them shut. Secure the bags and place lids on the containers. Finally, mark each container by listing its contents and the date it was frozen. Then, place your vegetables in the freezer until you’re ready to use them.

I have used this method for freezing fresh vegetables from my garden, produce that was bought from a roadside stand, and items that were given to me, for several years now without fail. Every vegetable I have frozen has come out of the freezer tasting just like it was freshly picked!


  • Veggies such as potatoes, lettuce, and cucumbers don’t freeze real well.
  • All produce must be blanched first before it’s packaged and frozen.
  • The best vegetables are just ripe and have no bruises or damaged spots.
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Fresh this week add-ons

The weather is beautiful and the produce tastes and looks amazing! We are very excited about this week’s add-ons. They are sure to make great additions to summer dishes.

Try this Mixed Cherry Tomatoes with Tamarind Dressing Recipe:

This week’s add-ons

Strawberries, still 2 pints for $7

WA grown blueberries are here! 2 pints for $7. Flats & half flats available.

Local Raspberry flats (12 pints) $35

Cantaloupe melons $2.50 ea.

Green & Red grapes $5.50/bag.

Bing cherries, $5/lb.

Kiwi, $0.75 ea.

Order Fruit: Click Here

Sweet Corn, now 8 for $5!

Mixed cherry tomatoes, NW grown, $4.75 full pints

Radishes, $1.25/ bn.

Cucumbers, $1.50 ea.

Baby White Nugget  new potatoes, 2 lbs for $4.00

Young bunch beets from Klesick’s farm, $2.50/bn.

Swiss chard from Klesick’s farm, $2.00/bn.

Spring Onions from Klesick’s farm, $2.00/bn.

Order Vegetables: Click Here

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Fresh This Week Tips, June 6, 2010

Orange Honeydew

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STORE: Store your honeydew melon on the countertop for 2-4 days until ripe. A perfectly ripe honeydew will yield just a bit to pressure at the blossom end and smell sweet like honey.  Once ripe, store it whole in the refrigerator for 5-7 days.
PREP: Wash your honeydew melon before slicing and gently scoop out the seeds. Then, cut into wedges or cube. You can also use a melon baller to make things more interesting!
USE: For tips on using your honeydew, see this week’s Know Your Produce Spotlight.


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STORE: Ripen peaches in a paper bag with the top folded over. Store your peaches on the countertop until ripe. A ripe peach will be firm but give way to pressure and will have a delicious “peachy” fragrance. Store ripe peaches in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.
PREP: Take peaches out of the refrigerator 2 hours before eating and wash thoroughly. Pit peaches easily by cutting along the seam all the way through the fruit down to the pit and twist in opposite directions. You can also slice or dice your peaches. To skin peaches, cut an X on the bottom of the peach and blanch. Remember, your cut peaches will discolor quickly so toss them with lemon juice after cutting.
USE: Peaches, one of the quintessential summer fruits, is delicious in pies, cobblers, jams, smoothies, salsas and salads. On a summery day, grill your peaches by pitting them, and slicing them in half or into wedges. Then brush the peaches with canola oil and cook over a medium flame until tender. Serve as a side dish or topping on a salad.


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STORE: Remove the twist-tie that holds your bunch of spinach together and store fresh, unwashed spinach loosely packed in a plastic bag in the refrigerator crisper for about five days.
PREP: Wash thoroughly by swishing leaves in a bowl full of tepid water and repeat until clean. Dry with paper towels or in a salad spinner.
USE: Boil spinach for one minute to bring out the flavor or simply keep raw. Make a delicious Strawberry & Spinach salad or Sephardic Spinach Patties. You can also add spinach to smoothies, add layers of steamed spinach to lasagna or simply saute with a little olive oil, garlic and a pinch of salt.

Beefsteak Tomatoes

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STORE: Store unripe tomatoes in a paper bag until ripe. Store ripe tomatoes in a cool place for up to 5 days. Do not store tomatoes in the refrigerator as it causes them to lose their flavor and become bland tasting.
PREP: Wash tomatoes in cold water before use. Slice tomatoes vertically with a sharp, preferably serrated knife for salads and sandwiches to prevent the juice and seeds spilling out. For stuffed tomatoes, cut horizontally and remove the seeds and juice.To peel your tomatoes, cut an X on the bottom of each tomato and blanch.
USE: Beefsteak tomatoes are perfect for sandwiches and hamburgers as well as in salads or salsa . You can broil, grill or stuff them. For a tasty summer salad, make Caprese. Arrange slices of beefsteak tomato and fresh mozzarella on a platter and drizzle with extra-virgin olive oil and top with a few basil leaves and freshly ground black pepper and sea salt.


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STORE: Store for up to one week in your crisper covered by a plastic or paper bag.
PREP: Keep whole and chop of ¼ inch off the stem or cut the head into bite-sized florets.
USE: Steam, roast, bake or stir fry cauliflower. Be careful not to overcook!  For a simple, delicious pizza, try this pizza with cauliflower crust recommended by a customer (great for those eating gluten free).