Category: Box of Good
I thought summer was my busy time!
Planting & Harvesting
This is the time of year where I want to be done, but all the energy of May, June and July are coming to fruition now. During this season we are mostly harvesting and getting ready for flood season. Flood season???? Yes, I am getting ready for flood season. I realize that we haven’t had any significant precipitation for over a month, but now is the time to start preparing for it. We haven’t had a flood of any consequence for two years, which means this year can be benign or devastating, so we plan for the worst and pray for the best.
Experiencing Farm-Fresh Produce
Your delivery the week of Labor Day
Now that was a Party!
Over 500 of you came out to the farm on a beautiful, pleasantly cool afternoon and based on the smiles and photos on Facebook, people were having a great time. The Klesick Family Farm festival is the perfect venue for us to connect with our customers.