Every year we make many resolutions saying that my next year targets will be this and that. I will do so and so… But only a few of us really follow those resolutions. This year, instead of focusing on all the things you dislike about yourself and turning those into a list of resolutions, why not focus on your positive qualities and set realistic goals to go along with those? Many of you have already joined the organic movement but what else can we do to improve our health, energy and life? We came accross the Method 30-Day Challenge and we love it! You can sign up for free and track your goals towards a healthier lifestyle!
**According to the Method 30-Day Challenge, these six things will change your life:
1. Be more active:
According to the American Heart Association, being more active lowers blood pressure, lessens stress and anxiety, helps boost your immune system and even sharpens your mind. Seriously. It makes you smarter.
2. Eat less refined sugar
What can we even say about sugar that you don’t already know? Pastries, right? But refined sugars elevate triglycerides, lower good cholesterol and create blood glucose spikes that lead to energy crashes.
3. Consume less caffeine
Caffeine is so awesome, people are always trying to ban it (see: 17th century Ethiopia; modern-day Four Loko). It's an antioxidant and may reduce cancer risk, but it also disrupts metabolism, messes with sleep patterns and tells your body to store fat.
4. Eat fewer animals*
Meat, cheese and eggs are delicious — just … delicious — but doctors and nutritionists at places like the National Cancer Institute and the Mayo Clinic say cutting down on eating animals leads to a longer life. And although cutting meat, eggs and dairy completely is ideal, cutting back is great too.
*including eggs, milk and all other dairy
5. Cut the gluten*
Gluten is what helps most breads and baked goods stick together and taste delicious, and for that we're eternally grateful! But gluten can also cause bone and joint pain, digestive problems, autoimmune disorders, headaches and lethargy. Nix it and see how good you feel!
*Gluten is a protein naturally found in wheat, barley, rye and most oats.
6. Drinking less alcohol:
In moderation, the occassional glass of wine can stave off heart disease. But alcohol is also a toxin that’s hard on your liver, suppresses fat oxidation, impedes weight loss. Taking a 30-day break will jump-start all that exercising you’re about to do.
With the 30-day Method Challenge, you will find all the tools, resources and inspiration you need to change the way you live in one month, and the support you need to keep the change up.
To sign up and for more information please visit: http://challenge.methodjuicecafe.com/ or find them of facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/Method30DayChallenge?fref=ts
**Source: 30-day Method Challenge